Are you unsure of how to add new apps and do not know where to find them or even upload them into your phone?
Save your battery power by reducing the brightness of your screen. Go to the settings portion of your phone and reduce the illumination level.
A protective screen protector is a useful investment for your iphone. Without one, there will be scratches and nicks. Even dirt hidden on your fingers may cause scratches.
Are you sick of the constnt notifications you get on your iphone? You can easily turn them off easily. Check “In Notification Center” to identify apps that you don’t need. This can also improve the life of your battery life.
It is possible to create an application from your commonly used sites. Tap “Go” when you access the site. This will give you the ability to put this site to your home screen.
It is not necessary to close out an autocorrect suggestion by pushing the ‘X’ when deleting AutoCorrect suggestions. Just tap somewhere else on the screen! This method gets rid of the suggestion box while saving you much easier.
You can take photos with the cord from your headphones to take an iphone photo.Begin by focusing the photo. When you are ready, press on the cord’s button. This will process the picture. You can then save the picture as you would normally.
You can easily message much faster using this method. You can dismiss dictionary word by tapping elsewhere on your screen. You don’t have to tap the tiny “x” following the word’s end.
Are there umlauted or accents that you would like to use in your texts? You will get a box appear that shows you several extra keys. This place lets you type anything you want.
Now that you have read through the article above, you should know how to use your iphone and where to find the best apps. You should have a clear understanding how to download and install apps now. Use the tips from this article to make the most of having an iphone.