You will succeed if you know a little bit more about it. Keep on reading for some useful tips and tricks that will help you use out of your iPad.
If you use your iPad all the time to watch movies, listen to music and play games on your iPad, battery life may be shortened significantly. Adjusting screen brightness is a great way to extend battery life. You will probably won’t even miss using the brightest possible setting to enjoy your iPad.
The iOS on the iPad now supports folders now. To begin, just tap and hold the tap on your desired application, drag that app on top of another icon, then drag the app to a different icon and release. This will create a single folder. You can then rename this folder whatever you want.
You can quickly get access all apps that are running on your iPad. Just swipe your screen to remove this bar.
Server Address
You can access to remote server using a VPN. The network tab will have all of the options needed to configure a VPN connections. You are going to be prompted for both your username and a server address.If you don’t have the server address, talk to the network administrator.
You can reboot the iPad when it freezes by doing a soft reset if it freezes. This will restart your device to restart. If you simply want to force close one app, hold your home button down for several seconds.
You do not need to click the camera roll icon to see a video or picture you take. Just do a one-finger swipe the screen to the right and your content will appear. Swipe left in a continuous motion to see photos you took earlier.
Shortcuts make it far easier for you send messages. This automatic method will save you time so you can send your messaging.
Are you being nagged by the battery icon on the top right of your screen? This can be simply turned off so that it does not bother you. Begin by entering the menu for your iPad’s Settings.Look under General section to locate Usage.
You get to choose whether the iPad’s lock key silences your screen or freezes your volume. Remember that earlier versions of the iPad did not able to do that.You have this option if you are using iOS 4.3 or a higher version. Holding down the volume button will also give you the iPad as well.
The information that you have gleaned from this article should help you to better understand how to use your iPad. It’s a great gadget, has a lot of power, and can be used for nearly anything. All that is left for you is to put the advice above to use so that you can get the most out of your iPad.