Are you confused by some of the ways that you must work your iPad? Do the double tap, page slides and zoom techniques blow your mind? If so, you may have just found the solution to your problem. Below, you will find some of the best tips and tricks to assist you in using your iPad.
When you are looking into purchasing an iPad you need to consider a few things to get the best price possible. If you want to use the iPad outside of your home or office, then you will want to purchase the more expensive version that includes 3g as well as WIFI.
Do not use the charger for your iPhone on your iPad if you do not have a lot of time. The iPad has a totally different wattage than the iPhone (10 watts compared to 5 watts). If you charge the iPad with an iPhone charger, it can take double the amount of time to charge. Instead, use the charging cables that came with your iPad.
Auto correct is a wonderful feature on the iPad for those of use that are spelling challenge. Your auto correct feature is automatically enabled. To use it, simply hit enter as soon as you see the spelling correction pop up on your screen. This is an easy way to reduce your editing time and keep yourself from having to look up every word you spell.
Using AirPrint, you can print straight from your iPad, as long as you have a compatible printer. AirPrint works with most newer HP printers. If you have a Mac, you can use the Printopia app to print to any Mac printer. To use AirPrint, simply go to the share menu and choose print–that’s it!
If a four-digit passcode is not substantial enough for you, change it. Under the Settings menu, navigate to General and then to Passcode Lock. Disable the Simple Passcode option. This allows you to use any password to lock and unlock your device. Your email and attachments will also be more secure with a more complex passcode.
You should now feel more comfortable and confident operating your iPad. Each of the preceding tips will help you in one way or another when it comes to the use of your iPad. Soon, it will come as second nature and you will be able to maneuver through your iPad without second thought.