Seeking Iphone Advice To Help You Understand How To Use It?

An iphone is a wonderful technological tool that offers many possibilities. It is used as an organizer, or even as a means of personal entertainment. There are a lot of ways you can personalize your iphone in order for it to fit your needs.

You don’t have to append “.com” to web on your iphone.

A great tip to implement when using the iphone is to save the images you view directly from those. Simply touch the picture and hold on an image that you want to save. A menu will appear giving you the option to save.

The iphone gives you the dictionary and shortcuts. You can use the dictation feature and have your iphone. You can also put in your own words. The AutoCorrect feature can also correct you automatically fix your errors during typing.

Did you know that you can use the headphone cord to take a photo? Begin by bringing the camera on the subject you would like to capture. When you are ready, press on the cord’s button. This will then take the picture.You can now save your picture like you would normally.

Are there special characters such as umlauts or accented letters you wish to include in your texts? A pop-up box should appear with some extra keys. This will allow you to type with fancy lettering as much as you want!

Use the multimedia to maximize your iPhone’s capabilities.

Are you regretting something you just typed into iMessage? Has Auto Correct messed up your message? There is an easy way to fix the damage: simply shake your iphone quickly. This motion will erase the message allowing you have recently typed. Go to the Settings and make sure this feature is enabled since it is an optional one.

If you’re sending an email and you do not wish to use the words that your iphone suggests, forget about using the “x” to get rid of them. Just tap the screen anywhere and the words will be eliminated.

Now you can see that iPhones offer many features right out of the box. There are many features the iphone has that you may not know about. Use what you learned today as a starting point to personalize your iphone and life.